Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ad-Aware Personal (Anti-Spyware / Malware)

Ad-Aware Personal provides advanced protection from known data-mining, aggressive advertising, Trojans, dialers, malware, browser hijackers, and tracking components. This software is downloadable free of charge.

- Scans fixed and removable drives, memory and Windows registry
- Detects known and unknown variants of malware by using the Code Sequence Identification (CSI) technology
- Removes aggressive spyware and malicious content
- Takes advantage of a fully featured quarantine support
- Logs information about scans and malicious content removals
- Users of Ad-Aware Personal can efficiently remove behavior-tracking spyware; thus protecting your privacy on the Internet
- Enhances your computer's performance by protecting against bandwidth stealing programs
- Provides greater computer security by removing keyloggers and other programs, which put passwords, credit card numbers, and other vulnerable data at risk online
- Allows you to stay abreast of spyware, not just a step behind, thanks to the Code Sequence Identification (CSI) technolo

Download AD-Aware Now


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